Living with Cancer 
December 5, 2023

Cancer is one of the top causes of death in America!

I live with cancer daily, the type of cancer I have is invasive lobular doctoral carcinoma and I was diagnosed on May 27, 2012, while doing my first time ever mammogram! I was called into my doctor’s office after my mammogram with my husband by my side to get the news about my breast cancer, to say the least when they said cancer, I was very scared because out of my side of the family out of 12 siblings 5 of my siblings have died of many kinds of cancers, brain, stomach, bone, pancreas, and thyroid.  My mother was also a cancer survivor for almost 40 years, and she had lived to the age of 89 years old. Boy, do I miss her dearly. When We spoke to the doctor, he made recommendations for the treatment plan process. We went home and discussed openly of what I wanted to do! My husband told me right away that it’s my body so it’s my final decision! It was a difficult decision, but I finally made it. I decided to have the cancer removed by having a double lumpectomy with the lymph nodes that need to be gone, then 3 months of radiation treatment Monday through Friday.  After that I would be on tamoxifen for 10 years unless it reoccurs.  Within the first five years I was in chronic joint pain and had a weight gain of almost 185 pounds. I lost my gallbladder was diagnosed with high blood pressure high cholesterol and diabetes. The next five years my medications were changed to Anastrozole but after only three years of taking it as well as Prolia shots every month, it weakened my bones. Somehow, I fractured six vertebrae in my back due to my bones being fragile. I also had glaucoma, cataracts and two corneal transplants in both of my eyes. My doctor recommended no more Prolia shots for a while and to change back to tamoxifen again until more tests can be done. It’s been almost 10 years this year on my birthday that I have been cancer free. I have the type of cancer that can reoccur, but I can’t dwell on that, or I’d be miserable……

So, take the time to enjoy life, after everything we have been through as a family, I am grateful for the love and support everyday….